A Helping Hand Wrongfully Taken From Us

by / Thursday, 01 November 2012 / Published in Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

A drunk driver struck again as a 17-year-old kid from Grandview was brutally murdered in the middle of the night.

 After pulling over to help assist in a car accident and direct traffic away from further wrecks, Joshua Kaluzniak was brutally taken from us as he was knocked over a guardrail and thrown over 20 feet by a black Lexus. The driver, Roland Wilfred Directo, is believed to be intoxicated while operating the vehicle after he was evaluated by DWI officers. Initial reports have not confirmed whether or not a second car was involved. The fatal wreck occurred at 2:40 a.m. in the 2700 block of Interstate 35W, just over Rosedale Street.

This is just another unfortunate and unnecessary case of someone abusing alcohol and then sitting behind the wheel where they then proceed to steal an innocent person of their life with their fatally intrusive actions. While no harmful intent is usually meant, it is the sad truth that these deathly and accidental results take place all the time.

If you or someone you love has fallen victim to a drunk driver, get in touch with your local attorney now so that they can help in making sure that you are properly taken care of and compensated for. The right attorney understands the pain that victims experience and thus makes it their priority that they do not have to face anymore.

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