The World of Biking and Trucking Becoming More Dangerous

by / Monday, 17 December 2012 / Published in Bicycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents

While the total number of wrecks and fatalities is down, the same cannot be said for two means of transportation on opposite sides of the spectrum.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that bicyclist deaths jumped 8.7 percent and deaths of occupants of large trucks increased 20 percent. The bicycle deaths increase can probably be explained by the bump in gas prices that has prompted more people to ride their bike to work or use it for entertainment purposes. As for the growth in truck fatalities, the cause is not so clear as officials cannot determine exactly why more people in trucks are experiencing such unfortunate outcomes.

In light of this, the National Traffic Safety Administration is proud of the major strides they have made in reducing the risks of the road. They announced on Monday in their fatality data report that “overall traffic fatalities dropped 1.9 percent” and that “last year we also saw the lowest fatality rate ever recorded.” Ray LaHood, U.S. Transportation Secretary, says that “the latest numbers show how the tireless work of our safety agencies and partners, coupled with significant advances in technology and continued public education, can really make a difference on our roadways.”

Even with the positive results, the job is not done as far as making the roads a safer place. LaHood believes that this is just the beginning and that it is important, as we move forward, to continue to “tackle head-on issues like seat belt use, drunk driving, and driver distraction.”

In the mean time, it does not hurt to be prepared in the event you are forced to face such misfortunes. Especially living in Texas, where the state ranks number one in the nation for fatalities with 3,016 killed in 2011. Get in touch with an accomplished cycling accident attorney in Dallas who possesses the skills needed to make sure your life isn’t financially burdened because of an unlucky occurrence.
An aggressive attorney will pursue the maximum compensation to ensure that you and your family are taken care of, both now and in the future.

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